Design Methods

14th November 2024

Welcome to the Design Methods assessment quiz. Enter your name below and answer the multiple choice questions. If you are a student under 16 and do not have the parental consent form signed and sent to, please use a nickname.


You are required to achieve 70% or above to be able to obtain a certificate. If you score under this, simply refresh the page and try again. Good luck!

The 3 step process of 3D CAD > slicing > 3D printing defines...

PrintLab's Design Method Toolkit is split into the following 4 categories:

Researching methods help you to...

Priority diagramming and surveys are part of which Design Method category?

Visual combination experiments and rough modelling are part of which Design Method category?

When planning out a design process using PrintLab's A3 template, step 1 involves:

When identifying the starting point/first input of the design process, what question do you need to ask yourself?

When planning a design process, one of the biggest constraints to consider is...

After mapping out a design process, you should...

In terms of selecting design methods to use, you should...