Tinkercad to Fusion

14th November 2024

Welcome to the Tinkercad to Fusion assessment quiz. Enter your name below and answer the multiple choice questions. If you are a student under 16 and do not have the parental consent form signed and sent to hello@weareprintlab.com, please use a nickname.


You are required to achieve 70% or above to be able to obtain a certificate. If you score under this, simply refresh the page and try again. Good luck!

When you send models to Fusion from Tinkercad, the curved surfaces of primitive shapes become...

The chamfer tool allows you to...

The fillet tool allows you to...

To position the centre of a circle sketch onto the middle of a line, you would use the...

The sweep tool takes a profile or face and...

If you want to use a circular pattern on a previous extrude in the timeline, which of the following 'Pattern Types' should you select?

The mirror tool allows you to...

The shell tool allows you to...

If you want to apply a material to one side of a cube, you will need to activate which option in the 'Apply to' section of the 'Appearance' menu:

If creating a drawing of a model to the scale 1:1, it means that...