Designing for 3D Printing

13th November 2024

Welcome to the Designing for 3D Printing assessment quiz. Enter your name below and answer the multiple choice questions. If you are a student under 16 and do not have the parental consent form signed and sent to, please use a nickname.


You are required to achieve 70% or above to be able to obtain a certificate. If you score under this, simply refresh the page and try again. Good luck!

An overhang is a part of a model that is...

Which overhang angle is generally classed as acceptable for 3D printing without support material?

Which one of these statements is true?

Bridging refers to...

When bridging large distances without support material, you will notice...

Generally, if walls are drawn at a quarter of the thickness of your nozzle diameter, the following will happen:

When orientating models for 3D printing, you should...

Generally, what will happen if you try and slot a 3D printed 10x10x10mm cube into a 10x10x10mm hole?

When engraving or embossing details onto a model, you should ensure that...

To ensure good bed adhesion you should...

If your model has a very small surface area touching the print bed, the model may...

To help cool sharp and narrow points to reduce deformities from heat, you can...