Slicing for 3D Printing

13th November 2024

Welcome to the Slicing for 3D Printing assessment quiz. Enter your name below and answer the multiple choice questions. If you are a student under 16 and do not have the parental consent form signed and sent to, please use a nickname.


You are required to achieve 70% or above to be able to obtain a certificate. If you score under this, simply refresh the page and try again. Good luck!

Print speed refers to...

If you are experiencing underextrusion on the outer walls, one of the things you might try is...

Which of the following comments is NOT true?

The main factor that affects the correct print temperature is:

Printing with an excessively high temperature can cause...

To achieve the optimal surface quality, print with the...

When printing a model with multiple bridges and no support material, you should consider...

Which of the following statements is true?

When looking for a smooth surface quality, using a low layer height is especially important if...

A common tip is to orientate your model...

Increasing the shell thickness will...

To fix ‘pillowing’ you can...