A Design is Never Done
Each year, we host the Make:able 3D printing and assistive technology challenge in collaboration with Autodesk. And each year, we receive hundreds of amazing submissions from students, makers and professionals. In this video, we will be showing you the process we took to refine one of these designs to optimise its use in the open-source assistive technology community.

13th December 2023 • Make:able
The aim of the video is not to show you a ‘better way’ of doing design, but rather to highlight the opportunities that 3D printing lends itself to in terms of refining and redesigning for specific needs. In our case, we wanted to iterate on an amazing assistive writing device created by engineering students, Jasmine and Meghan – with the goal of making it as easy as possible for others to download, 3D print, assemble, use and even remix themselves. Check out the video below.
We hope you enjoyed watching our redesign process and in due course we will be releasing the open-source files and documentation for the device. Don’t forget to subscribe to PrintLab on YouTube for more videos like this and to get involved with the Make:able Challenge yourself, click here.