Featured 3D Printing Lesson: Build your own Greenhouse
Looking for a classroom project that incorporates making and hands on activities into core subjects? Look no further! Today we are featuring Makerversity DIY’s amazing “Build your own Greenhouse” lesson plan that was designed with teachers, for teachers.

16th May 2017 • News
The lesson plan empowers students in their learning environment by immersing them in the process of building a structure they can go on to use and explore with. Using bespoke, 3D printed brackets designed by Makerversity DIY and basic, off the shelf materials, students will collaboratively build a functional greenhouse for the classroom, sturdy enough to house plants and store tools. What an exciting way to teach about light, refraction, greenhouse gases, plant cycles, photosynthesis and much more!
The process begins by 3D printing the brackets and acquiring the correct sized timber lengths and polycarbonate sheets in preparation for the lesson.
Students are then taken through a series of presentation slides where they will be introduced to the uses and history of greenhouses, before moving on to learn about structures and brackets.
The main part of the lesson is the assembly of the greenhouse, a hands-on activity that is sure to get students engaged in teamwork and problem solving.
The completed greenhouse structure can then be used in a range of plenary activities. For example you could discuss how you would improve your greenhouse, where is the greenhouse best placed and what could be grown given the environment it will be situated.
The lesson pack comes as part of the Makerversity DIY 10 lesson bundle and includes a teacher’s guide, lesson plan, presentation, instruction sheet, exercise sheet, equipment list and STL files.