Make:able Mini-Challenge Showcase
Today we are so excited to share with you the student finalist showcase from the make:able mini challenge at the [RE]LEARN Online Learning Innovation Festival. From 16th - 19th November, PrintLab and Autodesk partnered to support schools from around the world in a virtual challenge to design assistive devices for people with disabilities. With just 4 days (approximately 1 hour each day), students had a big challenge to go from developing empathy through to designing a 3D concept in either Tinkercad or Fusion 360.

4th November 2020 • Make:able
We were absolutely amazed at the creativity and productivity of all 37 teams and without further ado, we’d like to show you the finalist showcase in the video below. And if you’d like your school/organisation to participate in a similar challenge, don’t forget to check out the full make:able competition here. We hope you enjoy the video and we’d like to say a special thanks to all the teachers involved for their time and efforts in organising this opportunity for students.
**Please note that the video is a recording and that the winners have already been announced (1st – Team Learnlife, Joint 2nd – Team Copley & Smart Printers, 4th – Team Isa, 5th – Team WeckX).