Micro:bit and 3D Printing | Assistive Technology Project

Introducing Tap - a bluetooth dual switch access device that enables people with disabilities to control mobile phones, tablets and computers. It works by activating switch control on the selected device, and mapping Tap’s customisable buttons to the desired functions - whether this be ‘move to next item’ and ‘tap’, or media functions such as ‘play’ and ‘pause’.

3 3d models showing different button options for a dual switch access device.

3rd September 2024 News

In our latest project, you’ll assemble and learn about Tap, before moving on to identify a real or hypothetical end user. By developing empathy and going through a creative journey of discovery, you’ll create your own customised version of Tap that caters to the needs of your end user. This might be custom button shapes and textures, mounting solutions, or even code explorations into different inputs and outputs. Check out the overview video of Tap below and get started with a free trial to PrintLab to view the full project.

A Bluetooth dual switch access device being used on an iPad.
Website screens showing the learning platform for PrintLab's Micro:bit switch access project.


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